Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt Red says work on the game is far from over, and expansions are coming

With the 1.5 update and the arrival of the PS5 and Xbox Series versions of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Project Red intends to restore its image by correcting the major concerns of its latest title, while preparing for the future release of extensions. And let the fans be reassured: yes, expansions are still on the program, despite the last difficult months for the game. Pawel Sasko, quest designer within the studio, which affirmed it once again.

The studio aware of the work that remains to be done

During one of his Twitch streams (transcribed by VG247), Sasko answered a few questions before briefly mentioning expansion work, while reassuring the community about upcoming patches:

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you anything about our future plans. But I can assure you that we are working on extensions and things for you. We continue to improve the game because we are all aware that there is work to be done. ยป

The studio is therefore not going to stop there concerning the fixes for Cyberpunk 2077even if most of the team is currently working on game expansions. We are now waiting for a date for this new content, which is definitely long overdue, and maybe even a date for a new patch, who knows.

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