Cyberpunk Edgerunners: No second season is planned by the teams

With cyberpunk edge runnersthe popularity rating of Cyberpunk 2077 skyrocketed, reaching scores not seen since the launch of the game. The series was more than saving for the title of CD Project Red, since it introduced a new audience to this universe while making those who had already tested the game want to give it a chance, after a few patches that did the experience good. However, even if the anime was an undeniable success, no sequel is planned.

A story that will have no sequel

This was confirmed by the manager of the Japanese branch of CD Projekt, Satoru Honmaat Famitsu (translated by VGC), which comes cut short any hope of having a season 2 for cyberpunk edge runners :

Personally, I’d like to continue working with Japanese studios to produce more anime in the future, partly because we’ve received such great feedback. However, just to be clear, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners was planned as a standalone, so there are no such things as “we are working on Season 2 behind the scenes”. Even if we could do more anime in the future, I don’t know if it would be season 2 or something completely different. »

Well, we’re not going to lie to each other, it’s not a surprise. The anime does not necessarily lend itself to a sequel, even if it is possible to imagine the Trigger studio exploring this universe with other characters and a different plot. But for the moment, it’s really not on the program.

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