Solène Delinger
On Monday, September 23, Cyril Hanouna defended his rival Yann Barthès and his show “Quotidien”, which was criticized by a “Télérama” investigation reporting “suffering at work” and cases of harassment.
Cyril Hanouna took everyone by surprise on Monday evening in TPMP by supporting his rival Yann Barthès, in turmoil since the publication of an investigation by Telerama scratching his talk show Daily.
“There is nothing in these investigations”
The show “Quotidien” in turmoil after several accusations: @Cyrilhanouna reacts live in #TPMPpic.twitter.com/wuwyYDExny
— TPMP (@TPMP) September 23, 2024
For Cyril Hanouna, these investigations are simply good for “throwing away”. “There is nothing in them”, he affirmed Monday evening on the set of TPMP. The host We are walking on our heads finds the anonymity of the testimonies cited in the investigation unbearable. “I can’t stand these methods. It’s not my way of thinking at all,” he insisted, before adding: “I would have preferred that ‘Télérama’ had pointed out that ‘Quotidien’ said that they no longer received political guests and François Hollande is there every week.”
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