D8 Products – What Are They and How Do They Differ From CBD Products?

Delta 8, also known as D8, is a form of THC, the mind-altering chemical in cannabis. However, thanks to a legal gray area, it is possible to buy delta 8 online in many states. Many different product types are available, and leading CBD brands and D8 specialists often stock them. 

This article explains the difference between D8 and CBD and how to choose the right product for your needs. We will also discuss how to choose a safe and high-quality source.

What Is Delta 8? 

Delta 8 is a cannabinoid, one of the many active compounds that cannabis plants, including hemp, produce. 

Much like its infamous cousin delta 9, D8 is a form of THC, the intoxicating chemical in weed. The two differ only in the placement of a double bond between two carbon atoms. However, this minor structural alteration means delta 8 is only around half as potent as delta 9. 

Recently, clever manufacturers have developed a process that creates D8 from industrial hemp. This plant is legally grown nationwide, provided it contains less than 0.3% delta 9. Making delta 8 involves extracting CBD from hemp plants and chemically converting it into D8. This can then be infused into products like gummies and vape oil. 

These products are widely considered legal since they come from industrial hemp and contain less than 0.3% delta 9. However, numerous states have banned the sale of delta 8, so check the laws in your area before buying. 

What Is CBD? 

CBD is short for cannabidiol. Like delta 8 and 9, CBD is a cannabinoid and is found in cannabis plants, including hemp. However, it has a unique chemical structure and works on the body very differently from D8 and 9. 

CBD does not cause a high, but it does have a range of potential therapeutic effects, including inducing a sense of calm, relieving pain and inflammation, and supporting healthy sleep cycles. 

The CBD market exploded recently, and many people now swear by its benefits. It is generally considered safe with a low risk of side effects, although it can interact with some medicines, so users should exercise caution. 

CBD products are available everywhere, from online stores to gas stations. It is legal throughout the states and provides an alternative to cannabis in places that do not have medical marijuana programs. 

D8 Products vs. CBD Products

Choosing between delta 8 and CBD comes down to preference and location. 

Firstly, consumers must decide whether they want a product that causes a psychoactive buzz. If they do, D8 is the way to go. However, users should be aware that, although it is less potent than D9, it can still cause side effects if overconsumed. These include anxiety, drowsiness, and confusion. 

Furthermore, like D9, delta 8 could impair judgment and should not be taken by those who need to drive or operate machinery. It could also potentially show up on a drug test. Therefore, some individuals could risk their livelihoods by partaking.

CBD may be a better choice for those who do not wish to get high or risk a positive drug test. Although it does not cause intoxication, many CBD users say they feel more relaxed after taking it. The risk of side effects is lower than D8, the most common examples being mild drowsiness or digestive issues. 

Location is another key consideration, as delta 8 is not available everywhere. A growing number of states have banned the cannabinoid, and the laws are constantly changing. Therefore, staying up to date with the rules in your area is essential to avoid breaking them. Conversely, CBD is legal and widely available throughout the states. 

Where to Buy

Whether you are searching for delta 8 or CBD products, it is critical to choose a reliable source. The cannabinoid industry is unregulated, meaning many items are of poor quality. This unfortunate fact means consumers are potentially harming their health by using them. 

That said, there are some reputable brands out there. It is merely a matter of finding them. Look for well-established companies with a strong online presence and plenty of good reviews. They should be open about the source of their hemp, their manufacturing processes, and their ingredients. They should also provide independent lab reports, known as certificates of analysis, for each product. 

If you are purchasing gummies, look for those with natural ingredients and minimal unnecessary additives. With vapes, it is essential to avoid harmful thinning agents like propylene glycol and PEG 400. 

Finally, check with a healthcare provider before using delta 8 or CBD for the first time, and always consume cannabis products responsibly.