Dad says: "What I would have liked to know before I became a father"

No matter how often you can imagine what it is like to be a father – once you are a father everything turns out very differently! Now a father can find emotional words to describe his role.

People tend to get an idea of ​​someone and something too quickly. If we see the businesswoman in the elevator, we long for her successful life – without knowing whether she is really happy. We watch dad and his child and think that the role of a parent will not be that difficult – without knowing what responsibility it entails.

There are things in life that we cannot empathize with until we have experienced them ourselves. For this very reason, a father has now recorded a video message to all parents-to-be – with a list of things he would have liked to know before he became a dad.

Because Kier is without a doubt the happy father of a little daughter. On his video blog, the mental health expert reports on family life with humor. He inspires thousands of followers – and his friends always seem to look enviously at his dad role. Kier hears one sentence again and again: "I can hardly wait to become a father!" And this is exactly what he wants to clarify once and for all.

"It's hard!" Dad begins the video and doesn't mean the weight of his daughter on his arm. "It exposes things about you that you didn't even know yourself", says Kier, "it brings out all your insecurities!"

Being a dad means working on yourself

Above all, the dad wants to draw attention to the emotional commitment that one makes at the moment his own child is born. You want to protect and love it. And you want to have a happy family. This is exactly what you see in Kier's videos – but he makes it clear: "You can see it because we put a lot of work into it!"

Viewers get to see one side – which is definitely beautiful – but they shouldn't ignore the downside. That's why Kier wants to encourage all expectant mothers and dads to deal with themselves first, with their own past and maybe even trauma. Because only those who heal themselves and their wounds, are at peace with themselves, can face the task of starting their own family.

At the end of the video, dad sums up his message in a nice comparison: "For those who think they can just pour water on their wives and babies and have a happy family overnight – this is not porridge!"