Daily carpooling remains a minority despite aid, according to a barometer

A government boost of 100 euros was launched in January for motorists who start carpooling. helenedevun / stock.adobe.com

According to figures from the National Carpooling Observatory, the practice nevertheless broke a record in January.

Daily carpooling broke a record in France in January with 783,721 trips (+ 17.6% over one year) but remains very much in the minority, according to figures from the National Carpooling Observatory, analyzed Thursday by the operator Karos .

This mode of travel via specialized applications therefore does not exceed 40,000 trips per day, compared to the millions of daily trips by car (automotive) or in public transport“commented Karos in a press release. A government boost of 100 euros was launched in January for motorists who start carpooling, on both short and long journeys.

Île-de-France, the queen region of carpooling

The acceleration for the month of January is “encouraging” And “it should be recognized that the government bonus contributes to this beginning of successcontinues Karos. “It is nevertheless a little early to be able to speak of an +explosion+ of this practice“. On average, 8.5 out of 10 drivers travel alone in their vehicle in the morning at rush hour on the motorway, according to another barometer published Thursday by Vinci. The number of motorists driving alone, measured by the dealer in the fall of 2022, has even increased over one year.

As far as carpooling is concerned, Île-de-France is very well ahead among the regions that practice it the most, ahead of Normandy, Pays de la Loire and Occitanie. “The figures show a clear correlation between the number of carpools and the level of subsidization» by the regional cities, which can go as far as total support for the journey for the passenger, underlines Karos.

In Ile-de-France, part of the carpooling journeys could be explained by the impact of public transport strikes, which causes users to switch to carpooling from time to time. The fight against “solo driving», in particular via carpooling, is an important way to limit traffic and therefore air pollution.

The government’s objective of 3 million daily journeys by 2027, compared to 900,000 today – short and long journeys mixed – would make it possible to avoid the emission of up to 4.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year, i.e. 1% of France’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

TO HAVE ALSO – Energies: Clément Beaune announces a “bonus” to encourage carpooling

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