Daily morning routine: You should avoid this mistake

(Un)healthy morning routine
Brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

Which is better: brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

© Nomad_Soul / Shutterstock

For many, the order in the morning is clear: wake up, jump in the shower, drink coffee, enjoy breakfast, and then brush your teeth. But there is one thing about it that you should change as soon as possible.

There is, the perfect morning routine. Some of us start the day awake, in a good mood and motivated. Others drag themselves out of bed, do a little of everything, but don’t really get anything baked. Whether we have already found our individual morning routine or are still looking for it – there is one thing that we should not do in the morning. Because this habit is so harmful that doctors also warn against it.

Many of us wake up with a cup of coffee, make a quick breakfast and surf the web before brushing our teeth and heading to work. But that’s the wrong order.

Brush your teeth after eating? D rather not

Of course, good dental hygiene is the be-all and end-all. And in this country, a lot of value is placed on healthy teeth. 60 percent of Germans brush their teeth in the morning and in the evening. 15 percent of Germans even use their toothbrush three times a day. And although the Germans are champions in cleaning, only a few know the right time. After all, experts consider it wrong to want to clean your teeth after eating.

That’s what the dentist says

A dentist has now shared a video online that may have surprised numerous users. “Did you know that you shouldn’t brush your teeth after breakfast, but always before? asks Anna Peterson their followers on TikTok. Especially if we have eaten acidic foods such as oranges, citrus fruits, fruit juices or sodas. After breakfast, the acidity in the mouth increases. The acids dissolve minerals from the tooth enamel and attack the tooth structure. Brushing your teeth immediately after eating then scrubs away the weakened enamel. The result can be sensitive teeth.

Instead, one should rather reach for the toothbrush before breakfast. Because: “Brushing your teeth before breakfast protects your teeth from what you’re going to eat,” says the dentist. It is therefore a safe decision to brush your teeth before breakfast. Best right after getting up. This is how the toothpaste taste evaporates until the first bite. However, if you prefer to brush your teeth after eating, you should wait at least half an hour. Then our saliva has enough time to regenerate and neutralize the acids.

Source used: wmn.de, rtl.de


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