Damartex: overheating in shops and on the stock market

The title of the group specializing in seniors known for its thermolactyl products climbed 44% in five days, the market betting on a surge in sales of warm clothing in anticipation of winter.


Damartex: overheating in shops and on the stock market | Photo credits: damartex.com

Cold ? Me, maybe so this winter. Faced with the onset of cold weather and repeated calls for energy sobriety, the French, taking the lead, are beginning to fill their closets with warmer clothes. Jott, the benchmark French brand for lightweight down jackets, noted a 30% jump in sales. ” For 15 days, we have been facing an unprecedented situation in all of our points of sale in France, plus 30% of sales, this is an exceptional figure, rejoices its president Didier Lalance. We note more particularly an attraction for the light down jacket which is totally suitable for indoor use.. We are also contacted by companies wishing to equip their employees. At Damart, the father of thermolactyl, which is available in sweaters, T-shirts, caracos, tights, boxers and other underwear, the trend is good, very good even.

” Extraordinary “

For three weeks, the acceleration of sales at Damart has been ” extraordinary », Tells us the direction, without more figures. She emphasizes her hobby which is agility”. ” The strength of [Damartex, la maison mère de Damart, qui comprend aussi un pôle équipements de la personne et de la maison et une branche santé, ndlr] it is its ability to adapt: ​​to seize opportunities like this or to face more difficult events “, such as the increase in the cost of transport, paper, energy, wages – particularly in Belgium, where indexation to inflation is automatic – and products purchased by the central purchasing office in China. For the year which began in July, Damartex did not communicate a forecast. The turnover for the first quarter will be revealed on October 20, but, on the stock market, investors, playing the card of speculation, have heated the title: it jumped 44% over five days, including 20.6 % just Monday.


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