Danae Mercer shows how a body really changes during pregnancy

“I could hide this on social media”
Danae Mercer honestly shows how a body really changes during pregnancy

Danae Mercer shows how quickly posing can transform a person.

© Instagram danaemercer

Danae Mercer proudly holds her baby bump for the camera. The picture shows two perspectives: one with a tight-fitting bra and a “dream cleavage”, the other with an open bra and sagging breasts. Instead of hiding the supposedly unsightly breasts, Mercer wants to show them. Because: Your body changes and that is exactly right.

“Everyone told me to prepare for the pregnancy boobs – that they would be ‘the best boobs of my life,'” Danae Mercer captioned the photo on Instagram. Yes, they got bigger, she writes, “but also somehow … fell down.” A little at least, probably due to the weight, she suspects.

Danae Mercer isn’t hiding her supposed pregnancy flaws

Danae Mercer is a freelance health and travel journalist and content creator. She shows impressions from her life and draws attention to what should actually be normal. Currently, it is a changing body in pregnancy. Previously it was, among other things, the dents on the thighs that form when you sit cross-legged. She shows the digital tricks why a waist suddenly looks narrower and the buttocks look rounder. But also which pose is best to conceal dents. She wants to show that not much is real on the web and that a leg placed differently in a picture can change everything.

Mercer could have hidden her breasts without any problems. If she had only posted the picture on the left with a seemingly tight décolleté, in black underwear and a baby bump, everyone would probably have congratulated her on the great “pregnancy breasts”. “All I had to do was wear the super supportive bra for five minutes to take a picture and then slip back into my comfy baggy clothes,” she writes.

Breasts sag or wrinkle – all of this is normal

Especially during pregnancy, the body changes and many are unsettled. When you then see the beautifully designed baby bump photos of the stars and starlets on Instagram, the question arises: Why isn’t that the case with me? And that’s exactly what Mercer wants to do with her pictures. Breasts get bigger or smaller, they hang down or get wrinkles “and we worry that something is wrong with us,” she continues.

We are all just human beings in a human body, which changes over time or under different circumstances. “What we really need to do is be kind to our true selves.” In the same way, she goes about the changes in her body herself: “My new breasts, my new body.” And that’s exactly what she wishes for everyone else every day.

Appropriately, she posted a screenshot in her story on Instagram, which reads: “When you scroll through the many pictures on Instagram, remember that real life takes place in your heart. In your smile. With your family. With those, that surround you. Online pictures will make you feel like you’re not enough.” But always remember: “You are real. You are beautiful. You are enough.”

Source used: instagram.com


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