Danger to life – fell from a ladder to the ground: seriously injured

It was “only” two meters – but a fall from this height ended with life-threatening injuries in the hospital: A man from Graz wanted to get off the scaffolding while working on a family home and fell headfirst onto the concrete floor.

At around 1:30 p.m. today, a 36-year-old from Graz was busy with interior work in a single-family house in Ludersdorf. When the man wanted to get down from scaffolding and used a ladder to help, it happened: The man from Graz slipped off the fourth wooden rung and fell from a height of about two meters onto the concrete floor. The worker suffered life-threatening injuries in the head area. The owners of the house and a foreman of the injured person informed the emergency services and provided first aid. After first aid by the emergency doctor, the 36-year-old was taken to Graz Regional Hospital by rescue service, where he is being treated in intensive care. There are no indications of third-party negligence.
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