Daniela Katzenberger: How Sophia found out that there is no brother

It was with a heavy heart that Daniela Katzenberger and Lucas Cordalis decided to give up planning for the next generation. Daughter Sophia also wanted a brother so badly. But how did Daniela and Lucas tell the five-year-old about their decision?

Great joy for all fans of Daniela Katzenberger, 34: From May 19, the popular reality TV star will be back with new episodes of his documentary soap “Daniela Katzenberger – Familienglück auf Mallorca” on RTLZwei and TVNow. What exactly awaits the audience and more details about her life with husband Lucas Cordalis, 53, and daughter Sophia, 5, Daniela now reveals in an interview with GALA.

Daniela Katzenberger treats herself to a mom makeover

GALA: Dear Daniela, the new episodes of “Daniela Katzenberger – Familienglück auf Mallorca” are, among other things, about your mom makeover after the birth. What exactly does that mean for you and what do we get to see?

Daniela: Many mothers will know the problem, as soon as there is a child, you hardly exist as a sexy woman. (laughs) There is only the child left. That’s nice, but you also have to take care of yourself and do something good for yourself, even if you have a child. I did that now! I’m happy, Lucas is happy … Well, I don’t want to reveal too much about that yet, but I’ll say so much: It was a real HIGHlight, an update and you can expect Daniela 2.0. (laughs)

It’s also about getting Sophia to sleep in her bed again. In retrospect, do you see that as a mistake for letting her sleep in your bed for so long?

Well, I wouldn’t say a mistake now, but of course it has its disadvantages. I think it’s nice that Sophia has such a good and intimate relationship with us and that she wants to sleep in bed with us. (laughs) D.hat has bonded us very much as a family.

But intimacy between mom and dad became more difficult as a result … And then it spreads out across the three of us. (laughs) We had to lure her, so we built a great loft bed for her.

“Sophia is pretty clever”

Is it more up to you or Lucas that Sophia doesn’t sleep alone? You also like to refer to her as Papa’s princess. Is Lucas generally more lenient with Sophia? Who is the “good cop” and who is the “bad cop” in education?

Lucas Cordalis and Daniela Katzenberger with daughter Sophia

© imago images

I have to say, not because she’s my child now, but Sophia is pretty clever. (laughs) Of course every mother says that about her child, but Sophia is really clever. She knows exactly how to pull the strings with us to get what she wants. We don’t have the “good cop” and the “bad cop”, everyone has their own areas where they are a little more indulgent than the other.

If Sophia wants something sweet, she comes to me because I’m a little cat and Lucas is much more concerned with healthy eating. But when it comes to a new doll, Lucas is the place to go. I think she’s already had enough of it, but that’s the right one. (laughs)

Sophia has just got her first manicure. With something like that, users can quickly get critical comments. Do you worry about posting something like that or don’t you care about the critics?

I’ve been around for so long now and have had so many things thrown on my head that you can grow a pretty thick skin. But I don’t take myself too seriously either. You just have to keep your distance. But that doesn’t always work either, there are always moments when these comments pull me down and I have self-doubts, but then I shake it off very quickly.

Sophia is a child and all the little girls often find clothes, mom’s lipstick and nail polish great, now she was allowed to have a manicure, but she doesn’t do that every week now.

“I became a sweatpant mom”

You said that you and Lucas finally wanted to “let off steam” in bed again. Does this mean that your intimacy as a couple has been strongly influenced by this?

In the area of ​​bees and flowers, it was of course a bit difficult when Sophia slept in bed with us. Also because we’re often out and about, we have to make real appointments for that. Besides, I’ve become a bit of a sweatpant mom, that’s not so sexy either – hence the “mommy makeover”. But Lucas and I have been a couple and team for so long, you can get through there … or you just learn to take advantage of the opportunities when Sophia is at school. (laughs)

How did you tell Sophia that she won’t have a sibling after all?

Hmm, so actually we just told her how it is. That there might only be three of us staying and no little brother is in sight, that was perfectly fine with her, too. She’s still small too.

But we didn’t want to put ourselves under any more pressure, it is the way it is and we have a wonderful daughter. And when you have such a crazy mom who is up for any fun, it’s almost like a big sister. (laughs) Maybe at some point there will be an animal sibling for Sophia, she definitely wouldn’t mind.

Sources used: own interview
