Dassault Aviation: new support contract for France’s Mirage 2000s

Photo credit © Dassault Aviation

(Boursier.com) — The Department of Aeronautical Maintenance of the Ministry of the Armed Forces has just notified Dassault Aviation the new generation contract for the support of Mirage 2000s for the Air and Space Force (AAE). Concluded for a period of fourteen years, the BALZAC contract groups together all the Maintenance in Operational Condition (MCO) activities for the French Mirage 2000s until their retirement from service. The MCO of the engines and the services provided by the SIAé (Service Industriel de l’Aéronautique) are the subject of separate contracts.

With BALZAC, Dassault Aviation is pursuing its commitment over the long term and over an extended scope, with availability performance, on a flat-rate basis, and thus gives visibility to the State and its industrial partners. This contract will be implemented as an integrated team between manufacturers and the Forces, building on the experience accumulated over nearly forty years on the Mirage 2000 and which has contributed to the strong relationship of trust between Dassault Aviation and the AAE.

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