“Date stacking”: Does this TikTok trend really lead to happiness in love?

“Date stacking”
Does this TikTok trend really lead to happiness in love?

“Date stacking” is a trend thanks to which love can finally work out.

Find true love even though we don’t seem to have time for it in our everyday lives? The TikTok trend “date stacking” is supposed to help – find out exactly what’s behind it here.

Work, household, hobbies, etc. – your own calendar seems to be bursting with appointments, which often leaves little time for dating. The TikTok trend “date staking” is intended to help you still find your partner for life. But what exactly is behind this strategy?

“Date staking” – that’s how effective this trend really is

If only it were that easy to find your forever partner. In the video we tell you whether you could succeed with this trend and what exactly is behind it.

Sources used: seinonline.de & cosmopolitan.com


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