Dating horoscope: 5 zodiac signs who are often afraid of love

dating horoscope
5 zodiac signs who are often afraid of love

Horoscope: Fear of love often keeps these zodiac signs at a distance.

From a hot flirt to a permanent relationship – many people are consciously or subconsciously afraid of taking this step. This is often due to the disposition of their zodiac sign – five find it particularly difficult.

Of course, love is beautiful and can turn our lives completely upside down – but precisely because it is so powerful, it can also hurt us deeply and bring great misfortune. Many people therefore prefer to be cautious and even then keep their distance inwardly instead of following their hearts. Five zodiac signs in particular often keep a low profile when it comes to love affairs.

Dating horoscope: Love scares these zodiac signs

And of course they are not wrong in their caution. The world is full of broken hearts, shattered trusts and relationships that, looking back, have caused nothing but pain. Giving away your heart is an act of unconditional trust – and of course it makes sense to be a little too cautious. But when healthy mindfulness becomes an impenetrable wall through which no feelings are let through, that’s not healthy either – here you can see which zodiac signs are afraid of love and need a lot of time to build trust.

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