Dating site scam – Alleged sheikh’s son was a clumsy scammer

“Sugardaddy” cheated properly on a dating site. He lured out a lot of cash from a Carinthian woman who was 16 years his junior. 33,000 euros to be exact.

There is no doubt that advertisements on partner exchanges are false. But the accused probably exaggerated a little. He claimed to be the son of the Sheikh of Dubai and owned a villa in Baden and a condominium. In reality, he ran a small, underutilized film company and was looking for sponsors. 33,000 euros to Scheich-Sohn On a dating site, of all places, he found a supporter who quickly helped him out with 33,000 euros. Why the alleged descendant of a sheik needs such an amount, we leave open. One thing is certain: the first sexual contact took place when I first met a Carinthian woman who was 16 years her junior. And then by e-mail assurances from her side, such as: “You can do whatever you want with me.” Especially since a witness also reported that the business plans were quite real, so there was hardly any fraud here. The judge in Vienna also decided in this sense, i.e. acquittal. The victim appears to have closed the whole thing. In any case, as a witness, she did not want to report on her relationship with “Sugardaddy”.
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