Dating Tip: 3 Sure Signs You’re More Attractive Than You Think

Dating coach reveals
3 sure signs you’re more attractive than you think

You’ll never be approached or flirted with anywhere—according to expert Jacob Lucas, that’s a sure sign you’re very attractive.

All of your friends are in serious relationships, getting married, having children or are just happy singles who keep meeting people and flirting – only you don’t do anything at all? Don’t despair, maybe you’re just too attractive.

The dating coach Jacob Lucas from Great Britain explains to his followers on “TikTok” why it doesn’t have to mean that you are not attractive to others. But on the contrary. The coach provides some examples of signs that someone finds you attractive that will surprise you.

Dating: How to tell you’re more attractive than you think

You may not notice a lot or it has a very negative effect on you, but don’t let yourself be unsettled – we will show you which signs are clear signals that you are more attractive than you think.

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