Daughter (4) slammed to the ground: Father sentenced to 12 years behind bars – News

Daughter (4) slammed to the ground: Father sentenced to 12 years behind bars – News – SRF

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  • The Aargau Higher Court has rejected the appeal of a father who was convicted of attempted murder of his daughter.
  • It increased the sentence to 12 years without exception.
  • In addition, the man from Iraq will be banned from the country for 15 years because the public interest in his deportation is very high.
  • In the first instance, the Brugg District Court sentenced him to nine years in prison for attempted murder.

In 2019, the man, now 55 years old, slammed his daughter headfirst into the ground twice in public in an underpass near Brugg train station, seriously injuring her. In January 2023, the Brugg District Court sentenced him to nine years in prison, an outpatient measure and a 13-year ban from the country, among other things.


Keystone/Gaetan Bally (archive)

Both the defense attorney and the public prosecutor appealed against this. The defense attorney spoke of attempted serious bodily harm, possibly attempted murder, and demanded a reduced sentence. The public prosecutor, on the other hand, demanded an increase in the sentence to 20 years.

The higher court justified its current ruling by saying that the man’s actions were particularly unscrupulous. Anyone who throws a four-year-old child twice with full force onto a stone floor is accepting the risk of death.

Regional Journal Aargau/Solothurn, 7 June 2024, 12:03 p.m.;

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