Death of Franoise Rudetzki, tireless spokesperson for the victims of attacks

Françoise Rudetzki, seriously injured during the Grand Véfour attack in 1983 and since tireless spokesperson for the victims of terrorism, died overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday in Paris, at the age of 73, a-t- we learned on Wednesday from his family.

Until the end, she campaigned for the recognition and care of victims of attacks, said her daughter Deborah Rudetzki, contacted by AFP.

Lawyer, Franoise Rudetzki had created SOS Attentats, the first French association for the defense of victims of acts of terrorism, in December 1985, a date which marked the start of a wave of deadly attacks in Paris linked to the conflict in the Middle East.

Creator of the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Acts of Terrorism

In 1986, it had obtained the creation of the Guarantee Fund for victims of acts of terrorism, financed by a small levy on each property insurance contract, a guarantee extended in 1990 to all victims of criminal offenses (rape , assaults, robberies).

Until her death, she remained a member of the board of directors of the Guarantee Fund for victims of acts of terrorism and other offenses (FGTI), according to her family.

On December 23, 1983, Franoise Rudetzki was the victim of a bomb attack at the Grand Vfour restaurant, under the arcades of the Palais-Royal, Paris, where she was celebrating her tenth anniversary with her husband. The explosion had thrown a metal door that had crushed the legs of the young businesswoman.

At that time, we never talked about the victims, had later confided to AFP Franoise Rudetzki. Word victim was a bit like a word that shouldn’t be uttered and only the doctors took care of the victims.

Thereafter, the legal chroniclers will have crossed her countless times at the hearings and in the corridors of the Paris courthouse, where she moved with the help of English canes, she who, after the attack, had suffered dozens of operations.

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Franoise Rudetzki has always wanted to fight for dignity, for the recognition of the rights of victims and she never lets go, declared President Franois Hollande while paying tribute to her in 2016 at the Elyse, before decorating her with the National Order. merit.

She had succeeded in having victims of terrorism recognized as civilian victims of war and the possibility for associations to be civil parties during the trials.

His funeral will take place in the strictest family privacy, said his relatives.

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