Death of Jeanne Moreau: shocking revelations from her cleaning lady, first on the scene

On July 31, 2017, the lifeless body of the actress Jeanne Moreau was discovered by his cleaning lady. “She came to see me saying: ‘Jeanne Moreau is dead’. She was in tears“, reported the caretaker of the building to the magazine Closer. The next day, she agreed to say a little more about her misadventure, by recounting the scene, always for the same media.

“I am the replacement. And the usual housekeeper, who is a friend, had asked me to come by Madame Moreau every day to make her breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yesterday, I therefore went there to 6:40 a.m. When I arrived I found her in a chair, I immediately saw that something was wrong. I tried to pick her up but she never woke up. I was very shocked, I was scared, I didn’t know what to do.” she confided.

“Shocked by what happened”

After coming to her senses, she finally called for help. Firefighters from Caserne Champerret and Samu quickly arrived on site. When the police entered the apartment, the emergency services tried to resuscitate the actress, without success… The cleaning lady also called a friend who rushed to the spot. The latter explained to the police having had lunch with the ex-girlfriend of Sacha Distel the day before the tragedy. He had found her tired but had assured the investigators that he had not detected any particular health problem in the actress.

The housekeeper had also seen her the day before, confirming that she was in pretty good shape. “I had seen her the day before. We had talked about the food, about all that… And she was doing very well! I’m very shocked by what happened, I’m still shaking“, she had concluded during this interview with Closer. According to information from the magazine, the actress of The Night, Jules and Jim, Eva or The Bay of Angels, would have died of a natural death. Her ex-husband spoke about this drama. The media also reports that she lived alone in this apartment.

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