Death of Jeremy Cohen: “There is a rise in savagery in our country”, deplores Marine Le Pen

Solene Delinger
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09:09, April 06, 2022

Marine Le Pen was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the candidate of the National Rally reacted to the disappearance of Jeremy Cohen, a young man of the Jewish faith hit by a tram in mid-February, following violence. She deplored the rise in France of “gratuitous violence” and “wildness”, while recalling the increase in anti-Semitic attacks.


The tragic death of Jeremy Cohen invites itself into the debates of the presidential campaign, just a few days before the first round. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk this Wednesday morning on Europe 1, Marine Le Pen returned to the disappearance of this young man of the Jewish faith hit by a tram following violence. Bobigny prosecutor Eric Mathais said on Tuesday that the violence had no “discriminatory motives” at this stage of the investigation.

“It’s unbearable”

For Marine Le Pen, this violence illustrates a real problem of insecurity in France. The candidate of the National Rally believes that the public space has become “anxiogenic”. “It’s not possible, you can’t live free being afraid of transport, being afraid of the outside, being afraid of walking around at night,” she observes. “It’s just unbearable.” Marine Le Pen deplores the government’s lack of response to this “problem of insecurity”. “There is an attack in France every 44 seconds. There is a rise in savagery and attacks in France,” she says. “And Emmanuel Macron did not say a word about immigration and insecurity during his big press conference”.

73% increase in anti-Semitic attacks

If justice has not yet recognized “discriminatory reasons” for the violence suffered by Jeremy Cohen, Marine Le Pen has mentioned the “suspicion of anti-Semitism”. “Anti-Semitic attacks are increasing dramatically, this year there has been a 73% increase in these attacks”, warns the candidate of the National Rally, who says she is “surprised to hear the prosecution say that there is no no elements to qualify as anti-Semitic the violence suffered by the young man “.

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