Death of Lola: what Dahbia B. told the investigators

In a hearing, during her police custody, Dahbia B., presumed murderer of little Lola, mentioned having “had hatred”, reports “Le Monde”.


Little Lola, 12, was brutally killed in Paris on Friday October 14, 2022.

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Dstatements that send shivers down your spine. The funeral of little Lola took place on Monday October 24 in Lillers, in the Pas-de-Calais. But the investigation into her death is far from over, and justice still has to examine all the corners of this case, as well as the personality of Dahbia B., the alleged murderer, placed in pre-trial detention (and in solitary confinement ) at the penitentiary center of Fresnes. During her hearings, the suspect kept changing her version of the facts, reports The worlddescribing in detail the torture inflicted on the 12-year-old girl, explaining that she “had hatred” against the victim’s mother, then finally returning to the facts by claiming to have told “a nightmare”.

While in police custody, Dahbia B. explained that she had crossed paths with Lola around 3:30 p.m. The child was visibly returning from school. She would have refused to lend him her entry badge into the building, explained the alleged murderer. But Dahbia B. would therefore have taken advantage of the fact that she unlocked the door to enter at the same time as her. “I forced her into the elevator with me and whatever happened happened in the apartment. […] Coming out with the briefcase, there was the victim in it, ”she told investigators, according to comments reported by The world.

“I overdid it a bit…”

During this hearing, Dahbia B. also detailed the abuse she inflicted on the little girl: the beatings, the knife and scissor wounds she had inflicted on her, then the moment when she wrote to her “1 » and « 0 » with varnish on the feet (without knowing why). “I abused a little, just to have my fun, and that’s all,” she even said.

READ ALSOMurder of Lola: the hypotheses of two psychiatrists on the profile of the suspect

In her first statements, Dahbia B. had also explained that she had a dispute with Lola’s mother, who had put her in this state of anger and rage. “Actually, I went to the girl’s mother to get a pass, but she slammed the door in my face. From that moment, I had hatred, I was not well. »

It was on October 16, during her last hearing before her transfer to prison, that the suspect radically changed her story. She said she only defended herself “against the girl”, who threatened her before trying to kill her. And to add: “I receive a lot of death threats at the moment. ” Why ? She couldn’t explain it.

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