Debate reignited – this is how our federal states “meet” the asylum quota

The pressure of migration is increasing and the debate about the accommodation of asylum seekers is picking up speed again. Lower Austria’s Provincial Councilor Gottfried Waldhäusl (FPÖ) announced on Wednesday that the quarters in Lower Austria were already full: “We don’t have much leeway.” Vienna is once again the only federal state that not only meets its quota, but actually overflows it.

  • the Federal capital Vienna According to this, supplies 10,600 asylum seekers, those in need of subsidiary protection and other foreigners. This is 4700 more people than the quota would be set and corresponds to an overachievement of the quota of almost 180 percent. Vienna therefore does not want to accept any more refugees. The responsible Viennese city councilor Peter Hacker from the SPÖ told the ORF on Wednesday that the federal government had to ensure “fair distribution”. Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) added: “We have used all our options on this issue.”
  • Carinthia ranks second when it comes to fulfilling the quota with 92 percent or just under 1200 people. Here, too, they do not want to accept any further asylum seekers.
  • Salzburg (1200 people): 86 percent fulfillment of the quota
  • Burgenland (730 people): Quota almost 84 percent fulfilled

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  • Lower Austria supplies 2,600 people and thus 1,100 less than it should. The quota is only met to just under 80 percent. The initial reception center in Traiskirchen is not included in these figures because it is a federal institution. Around 1,500 asylum seekers are currently housed there. Lower Austria has therefore announced that it will no longer accept asylum seekers. “From the existing capacity we still have 200 places free and then we are full,” said the liberal Provincial Councilor Gottfried Waldhäusl.
  • Tyrol (1800 people): 77 percent fulfilled quota
  • Styria (2700 people): 76 percent fulfillment of the quota
  • Upper Austria With 3,000 placements, 75 percent of the quota is met.
  • Vorarlberg is currently the worst in terms of quota fulfillment (66 percent). The Ländle supplies 800 people, but according to the quota it would have to supply 1200.

The daily rates in refugee care have remained unchanged for years and have not been valorized; the last adjustment was in 2016. All federal states – with the exception of Lower Austria – and NGOs are therefore urgently calling for an increase in the daily rates; they are currently 21 euros for adults and 95 euros for unaccompanied minors.

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