Debris all over the country: Pentagon: Moscow fires North Korean missiles at Ukraine

Debris all over the country
Pentagon: Moscow fires North Korean missiles at Ukraine

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According to South Korea, North Korea is sending thousands of containers of ammunition to Russia for use in Ukraine. Experts suspect that this is why Kim is currently testing more artillery and cruise missiles. A report from the Pentagon supports this.

According to a report by the US Department of Defense, Russia is using North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine. An examination of debris has confirmed that Russia used ballistic missiles made in North Korea in its war against Ukraine, said the Pentagon’s military intelligence service Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Debris from North Korean missiles has been found throughout Ukraine.

The report relies on publicly available images to confirm that debris found in the Kharkiv region of northeastern Ukraine in January came from a North Korean short-range ballistic missile. It compared images from North Korean state media with photos showing missile debris in Kharkiv.

South Korea accuses North Korea of ​​sending thousands of containers of ammunition to Russia, which would be a violation of United Nations sanctions. The powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un this month dismissed allegations that Pyongyang was supplying weapons to Moscow as “absurd.”

However, experts believe that the latest North Korean missile tests could be weapons intended for use in Ukraine. North Korean state media such as the official news agency KCNA released photos on Friday of Kim in a brown leather jacket smiling at generals in uniform. He was reportedly overseeing the simultaneous launch of what appeared to be 18 missiles from a rocket launcher.

Kim wants to develop tactical nuclear weapons

According to the photos, a 600-millimeter rocket launcher system was used, which North Korea says can also be equipped with nuclear warheads. The rockets hit a target on an island 365 kilometers away “exactly,” KCNA reported. Kim had previously announced that he would expand the development of weapons – including tactical nuclear weapons.

North Korea and Russia have been strengthening their relations in recent months. Kim visited Russia last year and met with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin for a summit. The Kremlin announced this month that a return visit by President Putin to North Korea was being planned.

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