Decision researcher Meissner: “This is how you make good decisions”

Decision researcher Meissner
“This is how you make good decisions”

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Many people find it difficult to make decisions. Sometimes there is a fear of making the wrong decision. “That doesn’t have to be the case. Because you can learn to make decisions,” says the decision researcher Philip Meissner on the ntv hit podcast “Biz & Beyond”. People make around 20,000 decisions every day – often unconsciously and quickly.

When it comes to seemingly bigger challenges, things are different: Should I change jobs? Which car should I buy? Do I invest in a property? With the right strategy, such decisions can be made quickly and well. In the conversation, Meissner analyzes the challenges that come with decisions and how to overcome them.

“Biz & Beyond” – the successful podcast

“Biz & Beyond” is the business and success podcast that Germany has never had before. The transatlantic podcast team Sandra Navidi and Ulrich Reitz speaks with powerful decision-makers, international experts and extraordinary personalities. They provide insights into their business, their successes – and also personal setbacks.

Biz & Beyond – the business podcast with Sandra Navidi and Ulrich Reitz. From now on as a push message in the ntv app, on RTL+ and everywhere there are podcasts.

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