Deebot T30S Combo: mid-range robots from Ecovacs are also entitled to the hand vacuum cleaner

Because robots are not (yet?) as efficient as us humans when it comes to cleaning the house, the manual vacuum cleaner remains essential. So why not combine the two? This was the bet of the German Vorwerk with its Dream Team Kobold, but Ecovacs quickly followed suit with its Deebot X2 Combo. And the Chinese persists and signs, with slightly more affordable models this time: the Deebot T30S Combo and Combo Complete.

A new station that is not just for the robot

If you remember the Deebot T30 Omni launched a little earlier this year, with the Deebot T30S we find more or less the same robot with a new station. Exit the mini Omni with generous curves, the new models come with a station closer to what can be found in the X series, more precisely with the X2 Combo for the Deebot T30S Combo. It should indeed be noted that Ecovacs is also launching the Deebot T30S Omni and T30S Pro Omni, models which seem to have nothing more to offer than a redesigned station compared to the Deebot T30 Omni.

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The whole point of the Combo models lies in the addition of a manual vacuum cleaner, which is emptied and recharged in an extension of the station. The vacuum cleaner in question seems identical to the one that accompanies the X2 in its Combo version. The motor unit weighs approximately 1.2 kg and separates air from dust using a main cyclone with a mesh filter and a washable Hepa filter supposed to capture 99.97% of fine particles ( 0.3 µm). It comes with a crevice tool, a dusting brush and a mini electric brush in the Combo version, while the Combo Complete version adds the electric brush and the handle to use it in broom mode.

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On the robot side, the station brings a little novelty compared to that of the Deebot X2 Combo by heating the water to 70°C (compared to 55°C) to wash the mops. However, the Deebot T30 Omni station was already doing the same. We also find hot air drying, filling the water tank and emptying the collector on the Deebot T30 and T30S. The robots are also very close, and a little more powerful than the Deebot X2. The T30s are, however, a little more agile also with their mops, since they can move one to the side to wash closer to the walls, but the Deebot X2 must vacuum better in corners with its square shape and better manage obstacles with its AIVI 3D 2.0 intelligent detection system.

The Deebot T30S Combo will be available from June 25 at the recommended retail price of €1,099 and €100 will have to be added for the Combo Complete version. The Deebot T30S and T30S Pro Omni will be launched on the same date, at €999 and €1099 respectively. The Pro version, with feedback on stubborn stains and the additional Yiko voice assistant, is not offered with the hand vacuum cleaner. Whatever the model, it will be possible to benefit from a €100 discount by pre-ordering between June 11 and 24.

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