delays in transactions deemed too long by a majority of French people

A study published by the notaries of France shows that if the owners are on the whole satisfied with the information provided throughout their real estate projects, they are on the other hand numerous to criticize the delays of transaction.

Are real estate buyers in too much of a hurry? Obviously, when embarking on what often looks like a big life project, future owners want things to materialize as quickly as possible.

An impatience measured by a study published by the Notaries of France, which explains that 71% of the polls find that real estate transaction times are too long. And this impression is based on experience, since among the owners questioned, 71% share this idea.

Obviously, these delays are not the simple fact of notaries, since according to the barometer of the CSA Housing Credit Observatory of June 2021, obtaining a mortgage takes on average 4 to 5 months (from 6 to 7 months for new). And even if the banks questioned by MoneyVox estimate this lasts three months maximum between the first contact and the release of the funds, it depends above all on the progress of the files.

Deadlines that continue to lengthen

Future buyers will in any case have to take their troubles patiently. Indeed, Meilleurs Agents notes an extension of sales times from 60 to 68 days over the last three months, when Century 21 even speaks of 86 days on average at the national level, and up to 96 days in Paris, 15 more than in September 2021. Delays that could be further extended, while the conditions for granting mortgages have tightened in recent weeks with the rise in rates.

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If the French therefore find time long, the study of French notaries shows on the other hand satisfaction with the information received throughout their project. 71% of owners surveyed claim to have received enough information and 5% even believe that they have received too much.

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