Delinquency in Gironde: family and street violence on the rise in 2022

To respond to the increase in delinquency in Gironde, the prefect Étienne Guyot requires internal security forces to multiply operations. Le Figaro / Marie-Helene Herouart

The assessment of delinquency in Gironde reveals a 12% increase in intentional attacks on physical integrity last year.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

The Gironde prefecture recognizes that “the violence against people is increasing significantly in the department following a national trend“. In 2022, willful attacks on physical integrity increased by 12% due in particular to street violence and especially intra-family conflicts (+21.3%). At the same time, violations of the law committed by foreigners (+38%), documentary fraud (+64%) and breaches of the Labor Code (+14%) are exploding.

For their part, customs have already seized 25 million euros worth of narcotics in 2023 compared to 1.3 million in 2022. the use of violence (-3.7%) by thugs in these situations.

These figures, analyzed by Étienne Guyot, prefect of Gironde, Frédérique Porterie, public prosecutor of Bordeaux and Olivier Kern, public prosecutor of Libourne, who co-chaired the security staff on Tuesday in Bordeaux, reveal according to them a report on delinquency 2022 “generally satisfactory but mixed“.

TO HAVE ALSO – Delinquency: almost all crimes and misdemeanors on the rise in 2022

Reinforcement of repression

I have asked the police and gendarmes to step up operations to combat general crime, trafficking, illicit trade, street sales and to increase checks in stations, public transport and in very frequented“, assured the prefect of Gironde and New Aquitaine, Étienne Guyot at the end of this presentation. In the department, the response of the police and gendarmerie forces has already been strengthened in 2022 with an increase in the clearance rates of more than 9.5% for attacks on physical integrity, while the number of guards in views and nuts increased by 10.5% and 43% respectively.

A trend which is explained in particular by a stronger presence of the police (+17%) and gendarmes (+1.5%) on the ground via patrols. A phenomenon set to strengthen due to three deadlines: the Tour de France which will pass in Gironde in July 2023, the hosting of the Rugby World Cup in September 2023 and the Olympic Games in the summer of 2024.

TO HAVE ALSO – Gironde: a teenager prevents the rape of a schoolgirl in the middle of the street

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