Demonstration in front of the oligarch villa: tens of thousands call for peace in Munich

Demo in front of the oligarch villa
Tens of thousands call for peace in Munich

After large-scale demonstrations in Berlin and Cologne, around 45,000 people also took to the streets in Munich against the Ukraine war. In front of a villa on Lake Tegernsee, several hundred demonstrators are calling on an oligarch to get Russian President Putin to give in.

According to the police in Munich, a good 45,000 people demonstrated against the Russian attack on Ukraine. Many carried blue and yellow pennants and banners – the colors of the Ukrainian national flag. Children carried banners reading “Please let peace win” and “Peace for all”. Prime Minister Markus Söder also took part in the event under the motto “Peace in Europe and Solidarity with Ukraine”.

“Under no circumstances will we accept a war, an unprovoked war of aggression in Europe, never,” said the CSU chairman. “Now we are all Ukrainians and stand by this obligation,” he added, referring to aid from Bavaria. With the rally, several parties wanted to set a common signal on political Ash Wednesday, which is otherwise characterized by party disputes and mutual insults.

In addition, several hundred people demonstrated at Tegernsee, not far from a villa belonging to the oligarch Alisher Usmanov. Many carried banners with the inscription “Stop Putin” or “Stop the war in Ukraine now” – mostly in the national colors of Ukraine. Some had painted their faces blue and yellow. The police and organizers estimated the number of participants at around 300.

“Should distance himself from Putin”

Usmanow reportedly left Germany on Monday. The Greens local association Tegernseer Tal had called for the rally. “Now we have to send a message to Usmanov, even if he has already left. The message is clear: he should distance himself from this war and from Putin. He should use his influence with Putin, along with other oligarchs, to To get Putin to give in,” said Thomas Tomaschek, spokesman for the local association.

As recently as Monday, up to 250,000 people demonstrated in Cologne against the war in Ukraine. The demonstration was organized by the Cologne Carnival Festival Committee and took place in place of the canceled Shrove Monday procession. On Sunday there was a large demonstration in Berlin. According to the police, at least 100,000 people took part, and the organizers’ alliance spoke of 500,000 participants in the capital.

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