Denials from Telekom subsidiary: Amazon does not talk to T-Mobile US about mobile entry

Denials from Telekom subsidiary
Amazon isn’t talking to T-Mobile US about cellular entry

Amazon is the ordering platform par excellence, also delivers fresh food – and now wants to get involved in mobile communications. At least that’s what one report suggests. There should also be talks with the Telekom subsidiary T-Mobile US. But it is denied there.

T-Mobile US has contradicted a Bloomberg report on Amazon’s plans to enter the US mobile business. As the subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom announced, it is not in talks with Amazon. Bloomberg had reported that the online retailer is planning a cheap or free mobile phone offer for its Prime members and is negotiating with the providers T-Mobile US, Verizon and Dish. Supposedly, mobile phone tariffs for up to ten dollars a month would have been planned for customers of the Prime premium program.

Deutsche Telekom 19.66

“Amazon is a key partner for T-Mobile in many areas, and we’re always interested in working more closely with our neighbor,” T-Mobile US said. “However, we are not in discussions about including our cellular offering in Prime, and Amazon has told us they have no plans to add a cellular service.” Verizon also announced that it would not hold any discussions with Amazon in this context.

“We’re continually evaluating adding more benefits for Prime members,” said Amazon spokesman Bardley Mattinger. “But we currently have no plans to integrate mobile communications.” After the Bloomberg report was published, shares in Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile fell, in some cases significantly, by five to nine percent. Dish shares, on the other hand, are up a quarter. Amazon was also able to benefit on the stock exchange.

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