Dental aligners: watch out for 100% online self-treatment formulas

Camille Moreau / Photo credit: VOISIN / Phanie / Phanie via AFP

To have a perfect smile without going through traditional braces, more and more French people are turning to invisible dental aligners. But “60 million consumers” warns against 100% online formulas, which work by self-treatment. Orthodontists also warn about the lack of diagnosis.

An impeccable smile, perfectly straight teeth. Dental aligners, these invisible aligners that straighten teeth without using traditional iron braces, are popular on social networks. But a new investigation from the journal 60 million consumers warns against 100% remote formulas, ordered on the internet. Online diagnosis, do-it-yourself dental impression using a home kit, send aligners by mail. Companies promise their customers a perfect smile without going to the dentist. A practice which is not without health risks.

Health professionals particularly deplore the lack of radiological diagnostics, which prevents dental problems from being detected. Devitalized tooth, weakening of the gums… Complications incompatible with the installation of a dental aligner. “We can have big problems with melting gums, repeated infections, loss of incisors… Moving your teeth is a medical procedure,” warns Jean-Baptiste Kebrat, orthodontist. “Which patient would seek treatment for blood pressure and heart disease on the internet. Only a practitioner can do it and in the end we do self-treatment and we all know that it has never been excellent in medicine .”

Risk of Home Casting Kits

Jean-Baptiste Kebrat, who receives many disappointed with self-treatment in his office, also warns about the home molding kit. The paste used for the dental impression can crumble, its residue can be inhaled and block the airways.

So orthodontists repeat it, having a beautiful smile is yes… provided you follow it!

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