Deportation flight from Hamburg
36 asylum seekers deported to Macedonia and Serbia
17.09.2024, 16:54
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A charter flight has taken off from Hamburg Airport to Serbia and Macedonia. There are 36 rejected asylum seekers on board. This continues the trend towards more deportations from Germany.
A charter flight with rejected asylum seekers to Serbia and Macedonia took off from Hamburg Airport. According to information from the “Bild” newspaper, there were 36 people on board, including convicted criminals. The state of Schleswig-Holstein was in charge of the charter flight. According to the Hamburg Interior Ministry, seven people who were required to leave Hamburg were also on the plane. Serbia and North Macedonia are among the countries to which most people have been deported this year.
At the end of August, a plane carrying 28 convicted criminals flew from Germany to Kabul. It was the first deportation to Afghanistan since the Taliban took power.
The number of deportations from Germany has increased this year. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, almost 9,500 people were deported in the first half of 2024. In the comparable period in 2023, there were 7,861 deportations and 16,430 deportations were carried out in the whole year, compared to almost 13,000 in the previous year.
By the end of August, more than 1,100 people had already been returned to their home countries in Hamburg. This is the highest number for this period since 2016. Last year, the authority recorded a total of around 1,500 returns. According to the Interior Ministry, Hamburg is also using the joint deportation detention center in Glückstadt, Schleswig-Holstein.