Clever calendar wisdoms have never really helped – and they are absolutely ineffective, especially for people with depression. These are the 12 classics that can be removed from the Sprüche repertoire from today.
1. "You're not that bad after all."
Or: "I don't understand, you have no reason at all?" Such sentences are the best examples of how guilt can be fueled.
2. "But you also let yourself go quite a bit."
Depression has absolutely nothing to do with laziness. Point!
3. "That'll be over again, you'll see."
Like a 10 day cold. Well, I'm reassured about that.
4. "You just think too much about everything."
Can you tell me where the off button is for it?
5. "But you don't look depressed at all."
What exactly does a depressed model person look like?
6. "When I am sad, this and that helps me."
I'm not sad!
7. "Pull yourself together!"
Would the same be said for a person with cancer, a person with Alzheimer's disease, or a person with autism?
8. "You are always complaining. Nothing gets better from that."
That's not called whining. This is called "talking about feelings".
9. "Others have much bigger problems!"
What you do not say.
10. "Just take medication"
Antidepressants are not magic pills. They have their limits, they fight symptoms – but not the cause.
11. "Well, I would like your worries too."
Here you go, I'll send it over to you – but no right of return.
12. "Have a laugh!"
Cheeese! Sure, things are much better now.
How People With Depression Is Really Helped
Of course, if you are not affected, you often just want to mean it well. After all, you don't have the intention to hurt the other with it. Already clear. Unfortunately, such "clever" sayings do not help – and often have the opposite effect. Instead, what helps is to take depression seriously as an outsider, to inform yourself and not to judge anyone. Yes, and sometimes it helps to just shut up and hold the other person tight.