Deprived of video games, two children steal their mother’s car and are arrested by the police

Amazing ! Two children were arrested behind the wheel of their mother’s car after they fled, angry at having been deprived of video games by the latter. Head to Florida for this unique story!

Children’s education is a major concern for all parents. How to do it well and how to impose your authority? There is a multitude of works, perhaps as many as there are specialists on the issue… Being listened to can come with punishment, and ideas that are as touching, original, as they are dangerous, are also very numerous. One of the most common remains deprivation of television or video games. However, when a parent encounters the refusal of a child who is struggling with his frustration, the situation can quickly degenerate….

This is what just happened across the Atlantic, in the United States, on the night of Wednesday September 20 to Thursday September 21, according to the Alachua police (Florida) who communicated on Facebook after’arrest of two children aged 11 and 10 respectively. They had stolen the keys to their mother’s vehicle after she punished them.

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No legal proceedings against brother and sister

The mother had decided to deprive your children of their electronic devices according to the first elements of the investigation, including their smartphone and their video game console, suggest our colleagues from Parisian. A priori reassured, the older brother accompanied by his little sister took the wheel of the vehicle to go as far as possible. So far they have traveled more than 350 kilometers ! Their journey began in North Port where they lived and ended in Alachua, where the vehicle was stopped and the children arrested around 3:50 a.m.

A reporting the theft of your vehicle had been made earlier in the day by the mother of the two children, who should not take legal action against them. She drove three hours to find them and can be reassured, her son and daughter are in no risk as the juvenile justice system does not deal with cases concerning the Highway Code. More fear than harm for this American family?


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop culture, Jonathan sets the pace in the right tone to always keep you well informed. Attracted by …

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