deputies denounce empty text

Overseas deputies close to the Communist Party denounced on Tuesday a lack of measures on purchasing power in their territories where life, according to them, is “ultra more expensive” than in mainland France.

Overseas are the major omissions of the bill examined at the Palais Bourbon since Monday, intended to support purchasing power in the face of inflation, Moetai Brotherson (French Polynesia) told the press.

However, we expected this project to include important elements on the overseas territories given a simply scandalous gap in purchasing power with mainland France, declared this member of the communist group which includes a dozen more ultramarine allies.

Frdric Maillot (La Runion) went further, denouncing a text that was not complete enough for mainland France and completely empty for overseas territories.

Monday evening in session, where the tone rose with several elected representatives from overseas, the rapporteur for the bill Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq (Renaissance, ex-LREM) spoke of not creating inequalities again and again with the metropolis, but these inequalities , they exist and the State approves them, according to him.

On several amendments from elected representatives on the left, the rapporteur spoke out against a breach of equality between the beneficiary employees. Other tools make it possible to fight against inflation in the overseas territories, she added.

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But to eat in Reunion, it is 20% more expensive than in mainland France, to get treatment 16% more expensive, to communicate, it is between 16% and 20% more for telephone and internet costs , and even to move it costs more, argues Mr. Maillot.

For ultramarines life is not more expensive, but ultra more expensive, he concluded.

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