Deputies leave the hemicycle before an intervention by Marine Le Pen

JIn the evening of Thursday July 21, deputies from Nupes and the presidential majority briefly left the Hemicycle to protest against the decision of the session president (RN) to give the floor to Marine Le Pen, while an elected RN had already spoken. The incident took place when the deputies had just begun to discuss the energy component of the purchasing power bill, which was supposed to allow France to cope with a possible closure by Russia of the gas tap, and more specifically an amendment tabled by the ecologist Delphine Batho targeting Russian gas.

Like several speakers from the other groups before him, Jean-Philippe Tanguy had just delivered the position of the elected RNs when the session president, Hélène Laporte, also a member of the National Rally, gave the floor to Marine Le Pen so that she could speak. speaks on the same amendment. This decision provoked anger on the benches of the left. “Why several (speakers) at your place? exclaimed a deputy, joined by several of her colleagues, forcing the session president to justify herself. This happened “many times for other groups”, she assured, crossing swords in particular with the communist deputy Sébastien Jumel, who asked for a point of order. “Stop this circus! she told him.

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“Not acceptable practices”

In protest, the Nupes deputies then left the hemicycle followed by a large part of the elected representatives of the presidential majority. “It’s scandalous to have such practices,” reacted Hélène Laporte from the perch. On leaving the hemicycle, the Insoumis deputy Manuel Bompard justified this outburst by the fact that no other group in the Assembly would, according to him, have had the leisure to let two different speakers express themselves on the same amendment. Hélène Laporte “has a way of exercising the presidency in a very partial way and which aims to benefit the group from which she comes”, he launched to the press, denouncing “unacceptable practices”. The session was suspended after the intervention of Marine Le Pen and must resume at 9:30 p.m.

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