deputies Nupes and RN ask for a referendum

MPs Nupes and RN announced on Tuesday the filing of referendum requests on pension reform, one of them to be examined on February 6, at the start of the debates in the National Assembly.

On the initiative of the Communists, a hundred deputies from the left alliance filed a referendum motion, then the RN deputies. These requests aim to suspend the examination of a text in order to submit it to a referendum.

But only one of these motions will be submitted to the vote of the Assembly, before the general discussion on the bill. The decision will be taken at the Conference of Presidents at the Palais Bourbon.

The leader of the deputies La France insoumise Mathilde Panot assured on BFMTV that the text of the Nupes would be debated first because the deputies of the left alliance tabled it before and are more numerous than those of the extreme party. right.

The president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella told him that his training was ready to vote for the motion of the Nupes.

I can vote for yours, if we ask the same thing!, He said Mathilde Panot.

Opposed to the two elected during the same debate, government spokesman Olivier Vran reaffirmed that there had never been a pension reform that went through a referendum.

You had a chance at the scratch, a chance at the draw, he said, noting that the Nupes and the RN had lost the presidential and legislative elections in the spring. That you come in the third session to tell us now we are going to make a rfrendumno, it doesn’t work like that, he insisted.

Strongly opposed to the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64, like the whole of the left alliance, the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel estimated on Tuesday on CNews that the government had made the choice of blocking and the confrontation.

We have to come out on top of this crisis. This is why we propose to give the floor back to the people and to do so by means of a referendum, he underlined.

The four leaders of the Nupes in the Assembly, Andr Chassaigne (PCF), Mathilde Panot (LFI), Boris Vallaud (PS) and Cyrielle Chatelain (EELV) signed the motion. A referendum is a real democratic obligation, they justify in the explanatory memorandum.

The RN group led by Marine Le Pen, also opposed to the government project, wants for its part to restore its letters of nobility to popular sovereignty by giving the French the choice to decide on the future of the social model of their country, according to a press release.

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Moreover, the President of the Republic himself had mentioned, during the inter-rounds of the presidential election, the possibility of having his reforms validated by the direct vote of the French in a referendum, he notes.

If one or the other managed to get their referendum motion voted on on February 6 by the Assembly, which is far from won, it would be immediately transmitted to the Senate, which would have to decide within 30 days.

But even if adopted by both chambers, it is only a referendum proposal made to the president, free or not to follow up.

The deputies The Republicans, who should vote in the majority for the reform, have made it known that they will not vote for a referendum motion, which makes any adoption unlikely.

The LFI group will also defend on the same date a motion for prior rejection of the text, a more traditional procedure which leads to the cessation of the examination of a text.


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