Deputy CEO Sbastien Proto announces his departure

The deputy managing director of Société Générale Sébastien Proto, in charge of the merger between the group’s two retail banking networks and a disappointed candidate to succeed Frédéric Oudéa, announced on Monday that he would leave the bank at the end of June.

These years within the general management of the Socit Generale group will have been exceptional, from a managerial, strategic, operational and human point of view, as the person concerned, quoted in a press release sent by a personal spokesperson, and not by the bank.

Sébastien Proto, 45, is in charge of the thorny project of bringing together the two networks Socit Generale and Credit du Nord, which he will not see completed.

Until his departure, he will continue to oversee all of its activities and lead the operational implementation of the merger, the statement said.

The merger between the retail banking networks, which has been legally effective since the start of the year, is due to enter a crucial technical phase in March.

It is accompanied by a fairly drastic reduction in the number of branches by 2025 and 3,700 job cuts, without forced departures.

Sbastien Proto is also the unsuccessful candidate for the general management of the group, after the surprise announcement of the departure of Frdric Ouda scheduled for May.

He was beaten to the post at the end of September by Slawomir Krupa, another deputy managing director in charge of financing and investment activities.

This Franco-Polish had other arguments, including a long-term career in the bank, which began with the inspection of Société Générale, an internal audit service considered to be a path to excellence.

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Starting as Group Strategy Director in 2018, Sbastien Proto was catapulted to head retail banking in France in 2020.

A graduate of Sciences Po and Essec, he comes from the Lopold-Sdar-Senghor promotion (2002-2004) of the National School of Administration (ENA), like Emmanuel Macron.

Having graduated as a finance inspector, he then worked alongside Eric Woerth in the budget and then labor ministers and approached Nicolas Sarkozy, for whom he was director of studies during the 2012 presidential campaign.

He did not give any details on his professional future.

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