Desert threats – “Bierwirt” freaked out during the detention test!

One thing is becoming clearer and clearer: Sigrid Maurer was very lucky! She was “only” insulted obscenely by the well-known “Bierwirt”. But he is said to have shot his wife after the separation. Now he wanted to get out of custody, and at the trial he flinched.

It was not his lawyer duo Manfred Arbacher / Rudolf Mayer who was at his side during the detention test, but a representation. And she was also a witness to the most filthy insults. The judge threatened the “Bierwirt” sexually and with killing.

The lawyer’s wife was also targeted – he wanted to kill her “with the same little bullet as my old woman” and then her husband. Next target: an imprisonment psychologist. There are still bullets. The weapon was taken from him long ago – he is said to have killed his wife with it.

In addition to the logical extension of pre-trial detention on suspicion of murder, there are now further charges of dangerous threats. His lawyers know about the “difficult” client, but cannot provide any information about the course of the detention test. The Viennese actually thought of release from custody – despite suspicion of murder.

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