Despite rain and worries: Charles and Camilla master “Trooping the Colour”

Despite rain and worries
Charles and Camilla master “Trooping the Colour”

© imago/iImages

Rainy weather and many health concerns in the background: Nevertheless, Charles III (75) and his wife, Queen Camilla (76), mastered their appearance as royal couple at the largest annual royal event in Great Britain perfectly. Dressed in the traditional red uniform of the Irish Guards, Charles saluted at the “Trooping the Colour” parade from the Gold State carriage on the way from Buckingham Palace to the Horse Guards Parade.

Next to him, his wife Camilla beamed in a mint green suit with a white fascinator hat. Last year, Charles rode in the birthday parade on horseback. On the advice of his doctors, however, the monarch took a seat in a carriage this year due to his cancer treatment. With a slight delay, the next act began at around 12:10 p.m. at the parade ground of the Horse Guards Parade: the inspection of the troops by King Charles, the start of the parade of the Irish Guards, who are, as always, the focus of “Trooping the Colour”, and the presentation of the flags, the so-called Colours.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is amused

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (44) and his wife Akshata Murty (44) were also there, visibly amused, listening to the sounds of the bagpipes and drums and watching the magnificent ceremony with more than 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians.

Prince William on horseback, Kate arrives by carriage

Charles’ son Prince William (41) and his siblings Prince Edward (60) and Princess Anne (73) took part in the military parade on horseback. Daughter-in-law Princess Kate, who appeared in public for the first time since she was diagnosed with cancer at “Trooping the Colour”, stayed in the carriage with her children Prince George (10), Princess Charlotte (9) and Prince Louis (6).

Balcony appearance around 2 p.m.

At around 1:20 p.m. the British royals will return to Buckingham Palace. At around 2 p.m. the Royal Air Force planes will fly over the palace and the members of the British royal family will make their famous balcony appearance.


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