Despite the abolition of the 2G rule: Retailers do not expect a “rush”

Despite the omission of the 2G rule
Retail expects no ‘rush’

The phasing out of access restrictions means retailers can look to the future with optimism. The inner cities are likely to become more attractive again for many people. However, it is not to be expected that customers will storm the shops from now on.

Despite the abolition of the 2G rule, the German retail trade does not expect a run on the shops immediately. He assumes that the situation will now normalize and “more people will come to the city centers to shop again,” said the chief executive of the German Retail Association (HDE), Stefan Genth, to the Funke newspapers. The desire to buy and the money are there. “But we don’t expect a rush.”

The federal and state governments on the Corona measures decided on Wednesday that where this had not already happened, the access restrictions for all customers in retail should be lifted. However, the obligation to wear a mask still applies.

Genth hopes that there will be no more 2G requirements for retailers in the future either, as these will not bring any health benefits in the fight against the pandemic. “Ineffective measures such as 2G rules in retail should be removed from the first aid kit forever,” he told the newspapers. The plan to get unvaccinated people to vaccinate did not work out. “The high economic damage in retail is not offset by any health benefits.”

Investments in climate protection

The HDE boss also told Funke Zeitungen that retailers want to invest more in climate protection, not least to reduce energy costs. “The retail trade, with its 300,000 trading companies, is the third largest energy consumer in Germany – and is correspondingly badly affected,” said Genth.

However, state aid and incentives are necessary to finance a climate offensive, he said. A lot of energy can be saved through modernizations such as better shop windows, optimized lighting or photovoltaics on shop roofs. For example, a special depreciation program for retail in the inner cities, which promotes investment, and exemption from the EEG surcharge are conceivable.

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