Despite the increasing number of cases: cantons are waiving the obligation to wear a mask

The hospitals are currently still able to cope with the corona autumn wave: That is the message from the cantons. A mask requirement in public transport or in hospitals is off the table for the time being.

A mask requirement in public transport is not planned for the time being.

Urs Flüeler / Keystone

The board of directors of the health directors’ conference (GDK) met in Bern on Thursday. The government councilors discussed corona protection measures. In the run-up to the meeting, there was speculation about a return to the mask requirement in hospitals or even on public transport. Since the summer, the cantons have been taking the lead in corona policy. Also on Thursday, the GDK board exchanged views with Minister of Health Alain Berset. No decisions were made.

Anyone who had hoped that the cantons would take the reins and turn the screw on the measures will be disappointed. The board currently sees no reason to change anything about the current mask-free status. After an increase in the number of cases, there have recently been signs of a stagnation in the reported cases, writes the GDK. Corona-related hospitalizations increased. However, the utilization of the hospitals with Covid patients is still at a level that can be easily managed. The situation in the hospitals is widespread. The reason for this, however, is not primarily the corona patients, but primarily staff shortages.

Cantonal laissez-faire

In its deliberations, the GDK took into account that almost the entire population now has antibodies through vaccination or recovery. Because the protection against severe courses decreases in older people, she urgently recommends a booster vaccination for them and other people who are particularly at risk. It has been offered in the cantons since October 10th. Vaccination is also recommended for anyone over the age of 16.

The cantons leave protection to each individual. Everyone can protect themselves and others without official requirements, writes the GDK. Masks are useful in situations where there is an increased risk of transmission. For example in crowds or on public transport. The canton’s laissez-faire will call into action those who fundamentally distrust self-responsible action.

In view of the increasing number of cases and the decreasing vaccination protection, the Ticino infectiologist Andreas Cerny called for masks to be compulsory in public transport and in hospitals and medical practices. He said this two weeks ago in Blick. Wearing a mask in closed and narrow rooms where several people come together makes sense. In Germany, masks have been compulsory for public transport and health facilities since the beginning of October. Italy, on the other hand, lifted the mask requirement on public transport (FFP2) on October 1st. It is still mandatory in hospitals and medical practices.

In Switzerland, the industry association has spoken out firmly against the reintroduction of the mask requirement in public transport. There is simply no reason for it at the moment.

Until the controversial Covid certificate is reintroduced

In June, the cantons drew up a plan that provides for a cascade of intensifications in the event of waves of infection. A first step is a mask recommendation for public transport and indoor spaces. If this is not enough, the recommendation becomes an obligation. Other measures include repetitive testing of asymptomatic people in hospitals and homes, industry-specific protection concepts and, if necessary, isolation and quarantine regulations. Should it be necessary to tighten up the measures, repetitive testing could be extended to companies and schools and a general obligation to wear masks could be introduced. As an alternative to the mask requirement, the cantons also mention the reintroduction of the controversial Covid certificate in their plan.

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