Despite threats from Moscow: USA sends Kiev additional ammunition

Despite threats from Moscow
USA sends Kyiv additional ammunition

After Ukraine fired long-range missiles from the USA at Crimea, Moscow is threatening consequences. The harsh tone does not seem to impress Washington. Another delivery of ammunition for Himars rocket launchers is to be officially announced tomorrow.

According to government sources, the US wants to supply Ukraine with additional ammunition worth $150 million. According to two US government officials who wished to remain anonymous, the decision was expected to be officially announced on Tuesday. The continued delivery of US ammunition from existing stocks is intended to help the Ukrainian military fend off increased Russian attacks.

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned US Ambassador Lynne Tracy on Monday to lodge a diplomatic protest over a Ukrainian attack on the Crimean peninsula, which Russia illegally annexed. According to Moscow, the attack on Sunday, which according to Russian sources left four people dead and more than 150 injured, used US-made Atacms missiles. As a result, Washington has “effectively become a party to the war,” Moscow said. The upcoming delivery is also expected to include ammunition for the Himars multiple rocket launchers provided by the US, which can also fire Atacms missiles.

Attacks on Russian territory permitted

Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014 in violation of international law, has long been viewed by Ukraine’s Western allies as a legitimate target. The US Department of Defense said last week that the Ukrainian military was permitted to use longer-range missiles supplied by the US inside Russia if the purpose was self-defense.

“It is clear that the direct involvement of the USA in hostilities resulting in the deaths of Russian civilians cannot remain without consequences,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov threatened. After the shelling of Crimea, the Defense Ministry in Moscow initially stated that it had fired four missiles and that the fifth had at least been diverted by its own air defenses and caused to crash over a beach. However, after the high number of casualties became known, Russia changed its statement.

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