Destination 2024: This is the most popular holiday destination in the world

The most popular holiday destination in the world borders on Germany

© pkazmierczak / Adobe Stock

USA, Australia, Thailand – are these the most popular holiday destinations in the world? And what about Italy or Spain?

New York, Grand Canyon, Great Barrier Reef, Taj Mahal, the Pyramids of Giza… What comes to mind when you think about the must-sees in the world? There are so many wonderful things to see! But why wander into the distance “when the good is so close,” as Goethe asked a long time ago?

In fact, we only have to cross a single border to see the world’s most sought-after sights, cities, villages and coastlines, reports British magazine Condé Nast Traveler. Namely after France.

The country has everything you need on vacation

From the romantic streets of Paris to the charming coastal towns of Normandy and Brittany, to the Loire castles, the Alps, the elegant French Riviera and the quirky Corsicans, France is actually incredibly diverse. And so it’s not a particularly big surprise that the country is said to be well on its way to becoming the most visited country in the world. “GlobalData” expects over 93 million guests there by 2025 at the latest.

France has been number 1 several times

Speaking of which: France has often been number 1 among the most popular travel destinations. According to “Statista”, the Grande Nation was already ahead of top dog Spain in 2019. Then Spain pushed its northern neighbor off the winner’s podium. However, France is now in the process of regaining the title it held before the pandemic. The Summer Olympics in Paris could help put the country on many people’s travel map as early as 2024.

“Bon Voyage” across the country

What is also said to be new is that travelers from overseas no longer just concentrated on the capital, but also visited other regions. For example, guests from the USA are increasingly willing to “sacrifice part of their time in Paris in order to venture outside our capital,” says Anne-Laure Tuncer from the tourism agency Atout France. She names the Bordeaux region, Alsace, Burgundy and the Loire Valley as favorites on the mainland – closely followed by Martinique and Guadeloupe in the French Caribbean. And as we know, La Réunion in the Indian Ocean also belongs to France.

Sources used: Condé Nast Traveler, Statista


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