Destination Crypto – ITW with Stackinsat & Surfin’ Bitcoin

Twice a week Thibault Cushion shares with you through his podcast his thoughts on blockchain technology, Web 3 and conducts interviews with players in the ecosystem.

In this episode, find an interview with Josselin, co-founder of Stackinsat and organizer of one of the biggest Bitcoin events in Europe: Surfin’ Bitcoin.

? Guest Links

? Website:
? Promo code (valid from July 3 to 9 only): “DESTINATION CRYPTO”

?What is the purpose of Stackinsat?

Provide simple tools for anyone to easily invest in Bitcoin.
Propose a DCA technique that is configured in a few clicks, which is automated.
Bitcoins can be sent to a wallet managed by Stackinsat or a wallet under your control.
The Premium offer makes it possible to prepay the costs, and to have more significant sponsorships.

?‍♂️And fin’ in all this?

A 3-day event not to be missed for those who want to network, attend conferences in the festive atmosphere of Biarritz.
And if you’re passing by, let me know, we’ll toast together!


Thibault has been an investor since 2017 and popularizes the technical concepts of blockchain technology and by extension, Web 3. He is the author of numerous books on this universe and host of a podcast (Destination Crypto) which decrypts projects of all kinds. .

To go further in the discovery of this universe, you can read my collection made up of five books which guide you in the meanders of this market: Bitcoin, Ethereum, MultiversX (Ex Elrond), Avalanche and Cosmos. Good reading!

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