“Determined to fight”, this terrible news 5 days after beating her cancer

A new battle for the former candidate of “Secret Story”. While she had just recovered from cancer, the young woman announced this Friday, June 21, that she had discovered “a lump in my breast.”

Sabrina Perquisformer emblematic candidate of “Secret Story”, going through a new ordeal. After fighting a thyroid cancer in 2023, she recently discovered a worrying lump in her breast. This discovery comes just a few months after a delicate operation, marking a new stage in his incessant fight against diseases which have affected him for years, including cystic fibrosis which complicated his life journey. Despite these challenges, Sabrina is determined to fight and overcome this new ordeal.

Sabrina’s fans were shocked by this announcement, but they continue to give her unwavering support. In response to his poignant revelations, numerous messages of encouragement and solidarity poured in, saluting his strength and courage. The young mother expressed her gratitude for this support, saying that she draws her strength from the love of her loved ones and admirers. Determined not to let herself be defeated, she shared her commitment to fight with determination against this new ordeal, while trying to regain confidence and serenity in the face of the scars left by her past battles.

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A new battle for which Sabrina Perquis is preparing

Life definitely does not spare this former Secret Story candidate. This Friday, June 21, on his Instagram account with 97,000 followerswe could learn some sad news: “On May 21, after 10 months of treatment for thyroid cancer, I learned with immense joy of my victory and the end of this battle. Only five days later, I discovered a lump in my breast, requiring a new mammogram and then a biopsy. she writes.

A hard blow for this fighter who has already given of himself to fight against several diseases already. Under her post, she implies that the battle will be too hard for her: “because deep down, I already knew…this evil had taken hold within me. I won’t hide from you that at the beginning, I said to myself: “this time, it’s too much, I won’t make it”before forcefully adding “Then, the life-loving woman in me took over. Despite the cataclysmic shock, I am determined to fight once again, more alive than ever and determined to overcome this new ordeal.” A poignant testimony to which his fans did not fail to react.

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A wave of support for Sabrina Perquis

Faced with this announcement, the young woman’s friends could not remain indifferent. And it was a wave of support that swept over the account of Sabrina Perquis. Like this comment from jeremstar who was comforting “what courage… you can be proud of all your victories and I am sure that this is another one to come. big kisses and I’ll wait for you at my place my dear for a laugh.” But also Amélie Neten, the former candidate of the same television show who writes “My warrior”.

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Fans also expressed their support, strongly believing in the tenacity of the young woman. Under Sabrina Perquis’ post, we can read Upset by your post…. What injustice and what force in this message! Courage and strength Sabrina we are behind you”, but also “Life will win because you are a fighter and you deserve it.” Words, powerful and comforting which will surely arm the influencer even more in this fight that she is preparing to lead once again.

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