Hulu is not here for your ‘Parasite’ subtitle complaints

The movie made history as the first South Korean film to ever take home an Oscar for best picture when it won in February.

Not to mention all of the critical acclaim.

But the fact that the dialogue is in Korean and the film has English subtitles apparently is bothersome to some.

After a Twitter user recently tweeted “It’s not in English, no one wants to watch a movie that they literally have to read to understand what’s going on” the official Hulu account clapped back.

“if you don’t want to read subtitles, you can always learn Korean!,” a tweet from the Hulu account read.

Hulu is clearly not here for it.

Likewise the film’s official Twitter account was not going to stand for it when someone responded to Hulu calling “Parasite” a “pathetic movie.”

“Or as we like to call it, “BEST PICTURE,” a tweet from the “Parasite” movie account read.