Joe Swash soaks Stacey Solomon in water as she performs saucy lip sync

Stacey Solomon and Joe Swash have been left to their own devices for Easter weekend as her two oldest sons are visiting with their fathers.

After their 11-month-old son Rex went to sleep for the evening, Stacey, 30, made the most of her free time by enlisting Joe’s help to make a hilarious video for TikTok.

The mum-of-three filmed herself lip syncing to Pure and Simple by Hear’Say in a bright pink t-shirt dress before Joe drenched her in water as she mocked her saucy dancing skills in the back garden.

Stacey Solomon filmed a hilarious TikTok video with Joe Swash during lockdown

Stacey mimed along to Hear’Say’s Pure and Simple song while slapping Joe with flowers

Stacey entertained her three million followers the hilarious clip explaining in the caption speaking about the Dancing On Ice winner: “When the pickles have gone to their dads and the little pickle has gone to bed he gets my undivided attention, and he’s delighted about it.”

She mimed the song lyrics which began “you’ve been saying I’m driving you crazy and I haven’t been around for you lately”, as she sat on Joe’s lap and stroked his face while he remained unimpressed.

The next scene switched to her in the pan cupboard which she had just organised, and continued to mime: “But I had a few things on my mind…”

Stacey then stood behind Joe while he prepped food in the kitchen and slapped him across the face with a bunch of daffodils.

She joked in a caption: “I’m really pleased about my daff slap timing.”

The Loose Women presenter then turned things up a notch by heading outside to the garden to stand underneath her newly created hanging basket, which she crafted out of her kitchen colander.

Joe poured water over Stacey as she mocked her sexy dancing attempts

After hitting back at followers who pointed out her mistake about the differences between a colander and a steamer, Stacey hung a bunch of daffodils and fake ivy leaves and happily watered them.

This time she got a drenching by Joe who held up a watering can and poured water all over the flowers and Stacey who continued to mouth along to the song.

She pulled off her best dance moves and wrote that Joe “was more than happy to assist with this scene”, which left her hair and clothes dripping.

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Stacey Solomon and Joe Swash

Not finished yet, Stacey then headed inside for a quick shower and changed into a towel as she writhed around on Joe’s lap.

But it looked like Joe had had enough by the end of the TikTok video as Stacey tried to follow him around the house and he looked angry.

“I pushed my luck,” she wrote, and added a message to her followers, “Happy Friday. Hope you’re all ok. Love u.”

Soaking wet, Stacey followed Joe into the house

But by the end of the skit it seemed Joe had had enough and Stacey joked that she “pushed it”

Stacey’s hilarious skit comes after her partner Joe confessed he’d love another baby with her.

Just weeks after she joked beau Joe was trying to get her pregnant, he has confessed he’d love to have a second child with the Loose Women favourite, saying: “Yes, we would love to have another baby.”

But he added they weren’t in a rush to add to their blended family, telling the Mail Online.: “We have really lucked out, we’ve got four amazing kids and if we have the chance I think we would love another one day.”