Meghan Markle ‘fears son Archie will lack social skills as she’s too famous to join baby group classes’

Meghan Markle has allegedly been worried that her son Archie doesn’t have enough interaction with other children as they continue to isolate amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The 38 year old, who shares the toddler with her royal husband Prince Harry, is said to wish she could join a baby group class with other mums and children but believes she’s too famous to do so.

A source told Mail Online that Meghan believes her son should join a class to continue his development as he grows up.

“Meghan said Archie needs to learn emotional and social skills by being around other young children, something he can’t do with adults,” the source explained.

Meghan Markle is reportedly worried about her son’s social skills

Meghan Markle consistently shows off a glowing complexion
The star is said to want to join a baby class group but believes she’s too famous

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“Meghan said ideally they (she and Archie) would be in a baby group class that met in person a couple of times a week. This would give Archie the opportunity to play with other toddlers and help develop his brain.”

While the brunette beauty, who is said to be struggling after moving to Los Angeles, may want to join a class, the source said that she believes it is “impossible”.

The mole continued: “Meghan said she would love to be part of a ‘Mommy and Me’ community, but knows this is impossible even if there was no COVID-19 because of who she is.

“She said she’s just too well known to do normal things.”

Meghan Markle desperate to see her mum
Meghan allegedly believes classes would be a good place for her to “just be a mom”

Meghan, Prince Harry, 35, and their son have been isolating in Hollywood star Tyler Perry’s £14.7million house since March to be near the star’s mum Doria Ragland, 63.

The friend continued: “Meghan does take advantage of connecting with others online and on Zoom, but says it’s just not the same as in person.

“Plus the consistency of biweekly ‘Mommy and Me’ classes would be good for Archie and a place where she could just be a mom and make new lifelong friends.”

Body language expert Judi James claimed Prince Harry looked 'awkward' in recent video call alongside Meghan Markle
Body language expert Judi James claimed Prince Harry looked “awkward” in recent video call alongside Meghan

It comes as in a recently video call to discuss equal rights with young leaders from the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, which Meghan and Harry are president and vice-president of, a body language expert described Harry’s behaviour as “awkward”.

Speaking exclusively to OK! online about their body language, Judi James said: “Caught in the side of the screen next to a wife, who speaks calmly, eloquently and passionately about a subject she is clearly able to talk about using empathy and her ability to inspire her audience, Harry’s body language looks awkward and reflective here.”

She continued to say that Harry “looks distracted” whilst Meghan is speaking, adding: “His rather random non-verbal listening skills make the double act look lopsided.

Body language expert Judi James claimed Prince Harry looked 'awkward' in recent video call alongside Meghan Markle
The expert said Harry “looks distracted”

“When Harry speaks Meghan turns to gaze at him and when he finishes she picks up his point and gives it the powerful spin that it missed.

“When Meghan talks Harry looks distracted though, with his eyes slipping to side or his eye-gaze falling to the floor. His dipped head seems to form a cut-off ritual that suggests a momentary desire to hide or to break from the gaze of the camera.

“He tries to join in once but then offers a ‘yeah’ to signal he’s on-message.”