Diablo 4: Following criticism of Diablo Immortal, Blizzard clarifies the economic model of this episode

Diablo Immortal is today at the heart of all the controversy at Blizzard, given that the title has a hard time convincing part of the public because of its economic model which becomes too demanding from a certain stage in the game. presentation of Diablo 4 yesterday at the Xbox-Bethesda conference allowed us to forget all this a little, but concerns began to arise at the idea that this fourth opus, extremely awaited, is also a free-to-play. Blizzard has therefore clarified things.

Will Diablo 4 be free-to-play?

The questioning was legitimate. Yesterday, Blizzard announced to us thatOverwatch 2 was going to be free-to-play, and with the release of Diablo Immortalwhich achieved the best launch of the series, fans could wonder if the game was going to be sold as before, or if it was going to take on the appearance of a service game.

Rod Fergussonwhich is the head of the license Diablo at Blizzard, answered these questions on Twitter:

To be clear, Diablo 4 is a full-price game designed for the PC/PS/Xbox audience. We’re committed to delivering an incredible amount of post-launch content for years to come, anchored around optional cosmetic items and story-driven full expansions. More details soon. »

Diablo 4 will therefore offer ” DLCs but these will only be cosmetic, or related to expansions, as usual. Nothing to see with Diablo Immortal in short, which should reassure many people.

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