Diablo Immortal becomes the lowest rated game in history with 0.2/10

Diablo Immortal has a poor 0.2 out of 10 rating on Metacritic. Players are clearly making Blizzard Entertainment pay for abusive microtransactions.

It’s not a game, it’s a psychological fight. It starts out so right at the beginning and then it strings tricks together to convince you to spend money for nothing in return. He tries to create habits for you to come back to. Some would say there were psychologists among the programmers and designers who made the gameplay “, notes noobe in a comment published on June 9 on the page of Diablo Immortal displayed on the Metacritic aggregator. Here, the scores given by the players are mostly 0 out of 10.

The consequence is terrible for Diablo Immortal : the mobile adaptation only gets a ridiculous 0.2 out of 10 average. . In flop 5, we also find Warcraft III: Reforgedanother title published by Blizzard Entertainment, with an average of 0.6 out of 10. This says a lot about the image of the studio today.

Diablo Immortal is the lowest rated game in history // Source: Screenshot

Diablo fans really resent Blizzard

Some reviews are directed at Blizzard Entertainment directly. Players believe they have lost their faith » Placed in the company (which has had a string of scandals in recent years). Others compare it outright to a bank that provides ” slot machines for kids. “RIP Blizzard, I hope Microsoft saves you “, launches remuremu. Raspuls seems to agree when he lets out a: ” Blizzard is dead “.

It is once again the microtransactions that are singled out. Whether Diablo Immortal is a free game, available on iOS, Android and PC, Blizzard Entertainment has opted for a highly questionable business model. Some microtransactions actually allow you to progress faster to gain power, which drops the experience into pay-to-win after a few hours of play (‘pay to win’). The worst ? According to several analyzes and testimonials, paying several thousand euros is not always a guarantee of getting what you want.

Diablo Immortal Wyatt Cheng
The ultimate meme // Source: RndmRanger

These numerous and intrusive microtransactions prevent Blizzard from launching Diablo Immortal in some countries — such as Belgium and the Netherlands — due to strict legislation. This can be seen as a sign of abuse on the part of the multinational, which also made the mistake of proposing Diablo Immortal PC users while its business philosophy is clearly designed for mobile gaming. Microtransactions are prevalent in phone and tablet experiences, not PC at all. Whether Diablo Immortal was only available on iOS and Android, perhaps its monetization would have gone a little more unnoticed.

This pillorying risks tarnishing the image of Blizzard Entertainment a little more, whose latest projects have only been recycling sometimes failed (Warcraft III: Reforged) and while the Activision Blizzard group was sued in the United States for generalized harassment.

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